Wednesday, April 27, 2016

羅文莎葉(現正名桉油樟) Ravintsara

羅文莎葉(現正名桉油樟) Ravintsara, 拉丁名Cinnamomum camphora 是德芳教授的精油之一 , 是多份子精油, 溫和而能抗病毒, 是家居必備精油之一.

IFA是教用羅文莎葉 Ravensara,拉丁名 Ravensara aromatica
以下的網路資料, 有些資料指示的使用劑量太多, 第2點的劑量是20%,我覺得太高劑量, 只需第一, 二天用5%, (10ml 加10滴精油)局部塗抹在胸口,喉嚨及上背, 然後再稀釋至3% (10ml 加6滴精油) 繼續使用, 直至感冒痊癒.

亦建議加入其他單萜醇或單萜烯精油一起使用, 因為有協同效應, 效果更好.

From Raw nature

樟樹的葉蒸餾而來, 這種大葉常綠樟樹是在馬達加斯加南部生長, 富含很多1,8桉油醇(1,8 cineole)成份, 不要和Ravensara混淆.

The Ravintsara oil is distilled from the leaves of Cinnamomum camphora, large evergreen trees that thrives in the wild in the central east and the south of Madagascar. Not to be confused with Ravensara, the oil from Cinnamomum camphora tree growing in Madagascar tends to be rich in 1,8 cineole.

1. 抗病毒的浸浴: 5毫升桉油樟精油稀釋在一杯牛奶或浸浴液中, 放入熱水中浸浴20分鐘 (註: 太高劑量)
1. Antiviral Bath Soak: Dilute 5ml Ravintsara in 1 cap of milk or bath base. Pour it into comfortably hot water and soak for 20 minutes

2. 感冒: 20滴桉油樟精油, 20滴茶樹精油, 稀釋在10毫升夏威夷堅果油中, 取少量塗抹在胸口, 前臂4-6次, 連續5-6天 (註: 太高劑量)
2. Influenza Remedy: Blend 20 drops of Ravintsara oil with 20 drops of Tea Tree oil & 10ml of Macadamia oil . Apply “a few dabs” of the blend on the chest, forearms 4-6 times daily for 5-6 days.

3. 助眠: 用桉油樟精油睡前半小時擴香, 可令人放鬆及可助眠
3. Promote Sleep: Diffuse Ravintsara in the room half an hour before bedtime as it relaxes and promotes sleep.

4. 增強免疫力及幫助呼吸: 將桉油樟精油及澳洲尤加利精油稀釋後塗抹在喉嚨及作深呼吸
4. Immune & Respiratory Aid: Mix Ravintsara with Eucalyptus Radiata for application over thorax and inhalation

From Raw nature

羅文莎葉(現正名桉油樟) Ravintsara 是由Cinnamomum camphora樟樹的葉蒸餾而來, 這種大葉常綠樟樹是在馬達加斯加南部生長, 富含很多1,8桉油醇成份, 不要和Ravensara混淆.

The Ravintsara oil is distilled from the leaves of Cinnamomum camphora, large evergreen trees that thrives in the wild in the central east and the south of Madagascar. Not to be confused with Ravensara, the oil from Cinnamomum camphora tree growing in Madagascar tends to be rich in 1,8 cineole.

1. 抗病毒的浸浴: 5毫升桉油樟精油稀釋在一杯牛奶或浸浴液中, 放入熱水中浸浴20分鐘

1. Antiviral Bath Soak: Dilute 5ml Ravintsara in 1 cap of milk or bath base. Pour it into comfortably hot water and soak for 20 minutes

2. 感冒: 20滴桉油樟精油, 20滴茶樹精油, 稀釋在10毫升夏威夷堅果油中, 取少量塗抹在胸口, 前臂4-6, 連續5-6

2. Influenza Remedy: Blend 20 drops of Ravintsara oil with 20 drops of Tea Tree oil & 10ml of Macadamia oil . Apply “a few dabs” of the blend on the chest, forearms 4-6 times daily for 5-6 days.

3. 助眠: 用桉油樟精油睡前半小時擴香, 可令人放鬆及可助眠

3. Promote Sleep: Diffuse Ravintsara in the room half an hour before bedtime as it relaxes and promotes sleep.

4. 增強免疫力及幫助呼吸: 將桉油樟精油及澳洲尤加利精油稀釋後塗抹在喉嚨及作深呼吸

4. Immune & Respiratory Aid: Mix Ravintsara with Eucalyptus Radiata for application over thorax and inhalation

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